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35 Miles: Fluid Connections

As a city and as a region, we are completely inseparable to our water.
It’s our connection to our past, present, and future.
We depend on this water for our power, recreation, industry, and agriculture.
It has separated us in war.
It’s what binds us in peace.
For good and for bad it dictates our weather.
It’s our identity to the world, reflecting our radiant beauty.

Where it becomes a thundering cataract, it’s visited by millions.
In short, our water is the glue that binds us together.

Unfortunately, this fluid connection is only a magnificent illusion.
The same water we gaze out upon today isn’t the same water we’ll see tomorrow.
While seemingly abundant and permanent, our glue is constantly racing away
at the staggering rate of 750,000 gallons per minute.

This is a show to celebrate its journey.

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